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Livro "Signature in the Cell", sobre design inteligente, best-seller no Ano de Darwin

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Stephen Meyer e o "Signature in the Cell" no CBN News

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Signature in the Cell um do livros do Top pelo Times Literary Supplement

O Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design de Stephen Meyer nomeado um dos livros do Top de 2009 pelo Times Literary Supplement.

<A href="http://designinteligente.blogspot.com/2009/12/signature-in-cell-um-do-livros-do-top.html" target=_blank>http://designinteligente.blogspot.com/2009/12/signature-in-cell-um-do-livros-do-top.html

Livro de Design Inteligente em primeiro lugar na lista de Best-seller da Amazon.com

Robert Crowther

Signature in the Cell em primeiro lugar na lista dos 10 livros de ciência best-sellers de 2009

Hoje a Amazon.com anunciou a sua lista de livros best-sellers de 2009 e o Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design (HarperOne) do Dr. Stephen C. Meyer chegou em primeiro lugar (entre 10) na categoria de ciência. De acordo com a Amazon.com, os livros na sua lista de best-sellers de 2009 são “classificados de acordo com os pedidos de clientes durante o mês de outubro. Somente livros publicados pela primeira vez em 2009 são elegíveis.” A editora do livro, HarperOne, anuncia que o livro está na sua quinta edição há alguns meses, e continua vendendo bastante tanto on-line como nas livrarias.

“Nós estamos aqui celebrando os 150 anos de aniversário da publicação do Origem das Espécies, um livro erroneamente tido como tendo eliminado o argumento de design em ciência,” disse Robert Crowther, diretor de comunicações do Center for Science and Culture do Discovery Institute, que é o programa de pesquisa de design inteligente dirigido pelo Dr. Meyer. “Darwin refutou o argumento de design? Não. E aqui eis um livro sobre a ciência do design inteligente que mostra como o argumento de design está sendo reavivado com novos argumentos poderosos relevantes para a nossa cultura.”

No livro Signature in the Cell o Dr. Meyer mostra que o código digital embutido no DNA aponta poderosamente para uma inteligência planejadora e ajuda a desvelar um mistério que Darwin não abordou: como começou a primeira vida? Ele tece uma viagem de descoberta com um argumento a favor do design inteligente e explica como o design inteligente pode ser formulado como um argumento científico rigoros usando o mesmo método de raciocínio que Darwin usou.

Postado por Robert Crowther at 2:01 PM |
Permalink<A href="http://designinteligente.blogspot.com/2009/11/livro-do-design-inteligente-no-topten.html" target=_blank>http://designinteligente.blogspot.com/2009/11/livro-do-design-inteligente-no-topten.html

Está entre os dez livros de ciência mais vendidos de 2009.

É possível ler um pouco do livro "Signature in The Cell" online:

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Stephen Meyer e o "Signature in the Cell" no CBN News

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Inscrição : 18/04/2008


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Livro "Signature in the Cell", sobre design inteligente, best-seller no Ano de Darwin :: Comentários


Mensagem Sáb maio 08, 2010 10:27 am por Atalaia

Livro Pro-DI no "Livros do Ano" da Times, mas Dawkins e outros ...

Em 2009, "ano de Darwin", o livro Signature in the Cell de Stephen C. Meyer mereceu honras no "Books of the Year" da Times Literary Supplement (TLS) em Londres(terra de Darwin), enquanto que os autores darwinistas foram ignorados.

FONTE(TLS), em português e o site do livro Signature in the Cell.

World Magazine Names Stephen Meyer As Their "Daniel" Of The Year

Stephen Meyer has already made year-end lists with Signature in the Cell, an Amazon bestselling science book and one of Times Literary Supplement's books of the year for 2009, but the latest news go far beyond that: Stephen Meyer has been named World Magazine's "Daniel of the Year" for 2009:

Livro "Signature in the Cell", sobre design inteligente, best-seller no Ano de Darwin Daniel%20of%20the%20year%20cover

This fall Meyer came out with a full account of what science has learned in recent decades: Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design (Harper One, 2009) shows that the cell is incredibly complex and the code that directs its functions wonderfully designed. His argument undercuts macroevolution, the theory that one kind of animal over time evolves into a very different kind. Meyer thus garners media scorn for raining on this year's huge celebration of the birth of Charles Darwin 200 years ago and the publication of On the Origin of Species 150 years ago.
The cover story is what should become the essential profile of Meyer, following what World's Marvin Olasky describes as "the four-stage pattern that is common among intellectual Daniels: Questioning, discernment, courage, and perseverance."
Meyer says, "You ask how someone gets the moxie to take something like this on. Part of the answer is that I didn't know any better when I was young. I was just so seized with this idea and these questions: 'Was it possible to develop a scientific case? Were we looking at evidence that could revive and resuscitate the classical argument from design, which had been understood from the time of Hume and certainly the time of Darwin to be defunct?' If that was the case, that's a major scientific revolution."
Courage becomes a determinant once we count the cost and see that it's great. Meyer's first inkling came when "talking about my ideas to people at Cambridge High Table settings, and getting that sudden social pall." But the cost was and is more than conversational ease: San Francisco State University in 1992 expelled a professor, Dean Kenyon, who espoused ID, and other job losses have come since. Meyer and other ID proponents saw "that this would be very controversial. One of the things that emboldened all of us who were in the early days of this movement was meeting each other. In 1993 we had a little private conference [with] 10 or 12 very sharp, mostly younger scientists going through top-of-the-world programs in their respective fields who were all skeptical. I think the congealing of this group gave everyone the sense that this was going to be an exciting adventure: Let's rumble."
Rumble, indeed — Meyer just returned from schooling Michael Shermer (listen to the audio here).

The article, as the title indicates, is a profile in courage worth reading, particularly this bit:
Many who enter the courage stage at first think that the war in which they find themselves will end in a few years. There comes a time in many lives, though, when a hard realization sinks in: It will not be over in my lifetime. That's when some give in while others proceed to the perseverance stage. That's where Meyer is: Signature in the Cell ends with a long list of testable predictions concerning the direction of science over the next several decades. Meyer predicts that further study will reveal the importance of "junk DNA" and the reasons for what seem to be "poorly designed" structures: They will reveal either a hidden functional logic or evidence of decay from originally good designs.
Read the whole article here.

Posted by Robert Crowther on December 5, 2009 12:19 AM

November 27, 2009

Signature in the Cell Named One of Top Books of the Year by Times Literary Supplement

Stephen Meyer’s Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design is being named one of the top books of 2009 in the prestigious Times Literary Supplement (TLS) annual “Books of the Year” issue, officially due out later this week. The selection was made by prominent philosopher (and noted atheist) Thomas Nagel at New York University. The books issue is not online yet, but the TLS website has posted a preview of Nagel’s endorsement of the book:
Stephen C. Meyer’s Signature in the Cell: DNA and the evidence for Intelligent Design (HarperCollins) is a detailed account of the problem of how life came into existence from lifeless matter – something that had to happen before the process of biological evolution could begin. The controversy over Intelligent Design has so far focused mainly on whether the evolution of life since its beginnings can be explained entirely by natural selection and other non-purposive causes. Meyer takes up the prior question of how the immensely complex and exquisitely functional chemical structure of DNA, which cannot be explained by natural selection because it makes natural selection possible, could have originated without an intentional cause. He examines the history and present state of research on non-purposive chemical explanations of the origin of life, and argues that the available evidence offers no prospect of a credible naturalistic alternative to the hypothesis of an intentional cause. Meyer is a Christian, but atheists, and theists who believe God never intervenes in the natural world, will be instructed by his careful presentation of this fiendishly difficult problem.
Signature in the Cell was previously named one of the top ten best-selling science books of the year by Amazon.com.

Posted by Robert Crowther on November 27, 2009 10:27 AM

November 24, 2009

Stephen Meyer CNN Op-ed for Anniversary of Darwin's Origin: Pro-Darwin consensus doesn't rule out intelligent design

As part of the recognition of this being the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's On The Origin of Species, CNN.com today published this piece by CSC Director Stephen C. Meyer.
Pro-Darwin consensus doesn't rule out intelligent design
  • Stephen Meyer says there are scientific reasons to doubt consensus about Darwin's theory
  • Meyer: Fossil record challenges idea that organisms evolved from a single ancestor
  • Meyer: There is compelling scientific evidence of actual intelligent design

    While we officially celebrate the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" on November 24, celebrations of Darwin's legacy have actually been building in intensity for several years. Darwin is not just an important 19th century scientific thinker. Increasingly, he is a cultural icon.
    Darwin is the subject of adulation that teeters on the edge of hero worship, expressed in everything from scholarly seminars and lecture series to best-selling new atheist tracts like those by Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. The atheists claim that Darwin disproved once and for all the argument for intelligent design from nature.
    And that of course is why he remains hugely controversial. A Zogby poll commissioned by the Discovery Institute this year found that 52 percent of Americans agree "the development of life was guided by intelligent design." Those who are not scientists may wonder if they have a right to entertain skepticism about Darwinian theory.
    We are told that a consensus of scientists supporting the theory means that Darwinian evolution is no longer subject to debate. But does it ever happen that a seemingly broad consensus of scientific expertise turns out to be wrong, generated by an ideologically motivated stampeding of opinion?
    Read the rest here.
  • Posted by Robert Crowther on November 24, 2009 12:35 PM

    November 21, 2009

    Citizenlink's Friday Five featuring Dr. Stephen Meyer

    With the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species fast approaching, Dr. Meyer explains the holes in the theory of evolution and the magnificent ode to intelligent design. He discusses Darwin's legacy, the science community's reaction to intelligent design and more in this Q&A.

    Posted by Robert Crowther on November 21, 2009 8:32 AM

    November 20, 2009

    Meyer and Mooney Square Off Over Scientic Consensus

    Last week on The Michael Medved Show, Stephen Meyer debate Chris Mooney, author of "Unscientific America". You can now listen to the debate here.

    Posted by Robert Crowther on November 20, 2009 2:46 PM

    November 16, 2009

    Signature In The Cell Cracks Bestseller List at Amazon.com

    Livro "Signature in the Cell", sobre design inteligente, best-seller no Ano de Darwin SigCellBooks-sm-thumb

    Today Amazon.com announced their bestselling books of 2009 and Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design (HarperOne) by Dr. Stephen C. Meyer made the top ten in the science category. According to Amazon.com, books on its 2009 list of best sellers are “[r]anked according to customer orders through October. Only books published for the first time in 2009 are eligible.” The book's publisher, HarperOne, reports that the book is entering its fifth printing in as many months, and continues to sell strongly both online and in stores.
    “Here we are, celebrating the 150th anniversary of the publication of Origin of Species, a book mistakenly assumed to have killed the design argument in science,” said Robert Crowther, director of communications at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, which is the intelligent design research program directed by Dr. Meyer. “Did Darwin refute the design argument? No. And here’s a book about the science of intelligent design that shows how the design argument is being revived with powerful new arguments relevant to our culture.”
    In Signature in the Cell Dr. Meyer shows that the digital code imbedded in DNA points powerfully to a designing intelligence and helps unravel a mystery that Darwin did not address: how did the very first life begin? He weaves together a journey of discovery with an argument for intelligent design and explains how intelligent design can be formulated as a rigorous scientific argument using the very same method of reasoning that Darwin used.

    Posted by Robert Crowther on November 16, 2009 3:48 PM

    November 2, 2009

    Stephen Meyer on The Dennis Miller Show

    Recently Dr. Meyer was on The Dennis Miller Show, where he talked about Signature in the Cell, Francis Crick's sequence hypothesis, and more. Click here to listen.

    Posted by Anika Smith on November 2, 2009 3:13 PM

    October 23, 2009

    Darwin’s Defenders Deny Life’s Evident Design

    Following on the heels of his last bestseller, The God Delusion, Darwinian biologist and atheist Richard Dawkins has scored another publishing triumph. The No. 5 bestseller in the country, according to the New York Times, is Dawkins’s The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution. You might think his success would give him the courage to face critics of his ideas in open debate. But you would be wrong. As one of the architects of the theory of intelligent design, I have formally challenged Dawkins to debate our contrasting views of evolution before the public, but his representatives have responded in the negative, insisting that he does not debate “creationists.”
    Never mind that intelligent design is not creationism. Why does Dr. Dawkins refuse to debate? Maybe because some of the strongest evidence of intelligent design in living beings comes from the study of life’s origin itself, posing in turn an enigma that neither Charles Darwin nor Richard Dawkins ever claimed to be able to solve.
    Read the rest of this article here.

    Posted by Robert Crowther on October 23, 2009 2:28 PM

    October 19, 2009

    Reclaiming Biology From The Design Heisters

    Robert Deyes has just posted the next installment in his detailed overview of Signature in the Cell, this a review of chapter eight, over at Uncommon Descent.
    In the middle ages, Moses Maimonides debated heavily with Islamic philosophers over the Aristotlean interpretation of the universe. By looking at the stars and seeing their irregular pattern in the heavens, he concluded that only design could have generated the star arrangements he observed (1). In the process he ruled out necessity and the Epicurean ideology of chance. Centuries later Isaac Newton similarly opted for design as the best explanation for the origins of our solar system. Writing in his General Scholium for example Newton left us with no doubt over where his focus lay:

    “This most beautiful system of sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being” (2).
    Read it all here.

    Posted by Robert Crowther on October 19, 2009 9:43 AM

    October 14, 2009

    Dawkins Dodges Meyer, Won't Debate Evolution vs. Design

    Recently, on the Michael Medved show, arch-Darwinist Richard Dawkins, author of The Greatest Show on Earth, was asked point-blank by Discovery Institute President Bruce Chapman why he wouldn't debate Stephen Meyer, author of Signature in the Cell. His response? Weak sauce:
    I have never come across any kind of creationism, whether you call it intelligent design or not, which has a serious scientific case to put.

    The objection to having debates with people like that is that it gives them a kind of respectability. If a real scientist goes onto a debating platform with a creationist, it gives them a respectability, which I do not think your people have earned.
    Hm. Did Professor Dawkins have these same scruples when he went up against John Lennox in 2007?

    No matter — Professor Dawkins made his position clear enough: address young earth creationism, then tell your audience that you've destroyed intelligent design... which of course, even Richard Dawkins admits, is not the same thing as young earth creationism.
    Read the transcript of the entire exchange below — and note Bruce Chapman's great line about Expelled:

    Continue reading "Dawkins Dodges Meyer, Won't Debate Evolution vs. Design" »

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    Mensagem Sáb maio 08, 2010 10:28 am por Atalaia

    Media Appearances
    The Tavis Smiley Show
    Windows Media
    Audio MP3

    Dr. Meyer explains intelligent design to host Tavis Smiley and discusses how evolution should be taught in schools.
    Debate With Peter Ward on The Dori Monson Show (KIRO)
    Audio MP3

    Dr. Meyer lays out the case for intelligent design in this 50-minute debate with University of Washington professor Peter Ward.
    Debate With Peter Ward at Talk of the Times (TVW)

    The rematch, a debate with Meyer and Ward addressing each other’s arguments for intelligent design and evolution (or not, respectively). Reporters and columnists especially should listen to this, as a real debate by scientists on the science of Darwinian evolution is almost as rare as life in the universe.
    Debate With Michael Ruse on Ben Wattenberg’s Think Tank (PBS)
    Think Tank Part 1
    Think Tank Part 2

    Ben Wattenberg moderates this matchup with Darwinist Michael Ruse, who was also featured in the movie Expelled. This debate gets into the philosophical implications of design and Darwinism and the distinctions between the scientific evidence and the implications for both theories.
    Debate with Michael Shermer on Faith Under Fire
    Dr. Stephen Meyer on Faith Under Fire

    Dr. Meyer addresses Michael Shermer’s objections to intelligent design, including “Who designed the designer?” Also features their discussion on the existence of design in nature.
    The Michael Medved Show
    Audio MP3

    Dr. Meyer discusses the information revolution and the challenge it presents for Darwinism with Michael Medved, expounding the argument for intelligent design from information.
    The Jan Mickelson Show
    Audio MP3

    Even arch-atheist Richard Dawkins anticipated the title of Dr. Meyer’s new book, as Meyer discusses with host Jan Mickelson.
    Stephen Meyer and Signature in the Cell on CBN News
    watch video here
    Video of CNS interview with Dr. Meyer about Signature in the Cell
    watch video here
    Public Appearances
    The Science of Intelligent Design
    Watermark conference, April 2009

    The Science of Intelligent Design

    Dr. Meyer explains how the positive case for intelligent design is based on scientific reasoning.
    DNA Enigma: Where Did the Information Come From?
    Watermark conference, April 2009

    DNA Enigma: Where Did The Information Come From?

    Dr. Meyer explains the importance of the mystery of where the information in DNA came from.
    DNA Enigma: Where Did the Information Come From?
    Watermark conference, April 2009

    How Dr. Meyer Became Interested in the DNA Enigma

    Dr. Meyer shares the story of how he became involved in the argument for design in the origin of life.

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    Mensagem Sáb maio 08, 2010 10:30 am por Atalaia

    Opinião de peso. Até o proeminente ateu Thomas Nagel, filósofo respeitado e influente, laureados com o prêmio Schock na categoria Filosofia e lógica escolheu Signature in the Cell: DNA and the evidence for Intelligent Design, de Stephen C. Meyer, como um dos melhores livros de 2009. Veja a opinião de um ateu sobre o depoimento de Nagel:

    Levei um susto ao ser informado que Thomas Nagel, filósofo respeitado e influente, tenha escolhido o livro criacionista Signature in the Cell: DNA and the evidence for Intelligent Design, de Stephen C. Meyer, como um dos melhores livros do ano. O livro é repleto de especulação religiosa contrária ao evolucionismo e (como acontece com os outros livros desse gênero) sequer é mencionado na literatura científica relevante.

    Fui procurar mais informações e descobri que Nagel tem defendido recentemente ("Public Education and Intelligent Design", Philosophy & Public Affairs 2008) que o criacionismo não é pseudociência, mas má ciência. E como toda má ciência ainda é um tipo de ciência, argumenta Nagel, as decisões jurídicas de proibir o ensino do criacionismo são incorretas. Eu discordo deste argumento. Como qualquer pessoa que se deu ao trabalho de discutir calmamente com um criacionista sabe, as hipóteses criacionistas são imunes ao processo normal de justificação crítica e argumentada e, portanto, não podem ser consideradas como ciência.

    O argumento de Nagel a favor do ensino do criacionismo não me convenceu e sua a escolha do livro criacionista me deixou surpreso. Mas o que me deixou ainda mais surpreso foi a reação fanática de alguns ateus, como Brian Leiter, frente a escolha de Nagel. A reação extremada de Leiter e outros é uma clara tentativa de silenciar Thomas Nagel, o que é inaceitável. Nagel tem o direito de defender o que bem entender, incluindo o criacionismo, por mais infundado que este seja.

    Fiquei com a impressão de que Leiter é daqueles ateus militantes que assumem o evolucionismo como uma espécie de hino de guerra aos religiosos, pressupondo erradamente, como os próprios criacionistas, que o evolucionismo e o ateísmo são indissociáveis. A defesa fanática do ensino do criacionismo é uma opção tão prejudicial quanto a defesa fanática do evolucionismo. E ambas contribuem para uma vulgarização extremada do debate público entre criacionistas e evolucionistas, impossibilitando qualquer discussão que não seja pura propaganda ideológica.


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    Mensagem Sáb maio 08, 2010 10:31 am por Atalaia

    Minha colaboração ao blog do Michelson:
    Ateu defende ensino criacionista e livro de Meyer
    Livro "Signature in the Cell", sobre design inteligente, best-seller no Ano de Darwin Signature
    O proeminente ateu Thomas Nagel, filósofo respeitado e influente, laureado com o prêmio Schock na categoria Filosofia e Lógica, escolheu Signature in the Cell: DNA and the evidence for Intelligent Design, de Stephen C. Meyer, como um dos melhores livros de 2009. De quebra, ele ainda defendeu recentemente ("Public Education and Intelligent Design", Philosophy & Public Affairs 2008) que o criacionismo não é pseudociência, é um tipo de ciência e não deve ser proibido. Pra variar, a reação dos ateus militantes foi de puro fanatismo. Foi o caso de Brian Leiter e sua clara tentativa de silenciar Nagel.

    (Colaboração: Ronaldo Ewerton)

    Nota: Ainda não entendi o que as editoras brasileiras estão esperando para traduzir e publicar o livro de Meyer. Parece que deram as mãos ao ateísmo militante de Richard Dawkins et al, pois é só ele escrever algo novo que já sai por aqui.[MB]

    Livro "Signature in the Cell", sobre design inteligente, best-seller no Ano de Darwin Michelson_link

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    Mensagem Sáb maio 08, 2010 2:15 pm por Carlstadt

  • O livro Signature in the Cell preocupa a imprensa brasileira

    O livro Signature in the Cell preocupa a imprensa brasileira. Na semana passada, Stephen Meyer apresentou o seu inovador Signature in The Cell na ...


    Design Inteligente
  • Autor de três livros, entre os quais o recente “Signature in the Cell” (Assinatura na Célula, inédito no Brasil), ele afirma que sua missão ...

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    Mensagem Qui maio 20, 2010 9:32 pm por Atalaia

    O novo livro "Signature of Controversy" responde aos críticos de Steve Meyer

    Anika Smith

    Os críticos do Design Inteligente geralmente tentam repudiar a teoria como não sendo digna de consideração, como uma questão já resolvida, e até demais maçante de manter a compostura. Depois eles gastam uma quantidade incrível de energia tentando refutá-la.

    Livro "Signature in the Cell", sobre design inteligente, best-seller no Ano de Darwin Signature_Controversy_FINAL

    A própria evidência do debate contínuo provocado pelo livro Signature in the Cell [Assinatura na célula – sendo traduzido em português] de Steve Meyer deve silenciar aquele gênero literário cansado de que não existe controvérsia sobre a evolução e o Design Inteligente. Essa controvérsia virou uma febre em menos de um ano desde o lançamento do livro, marcando o volume de Meyer como um livro sério que os darwinistas devem lidar. E lidar com o livro eles não têm — nas suas respostas alguns críticos o interpretaram erroneamente, enquanto que outros simplesmente fracassaram na sua leitura.

    Por isso, os defensores do livro de Meyer analisaram estes diversos ataques hostis e futéis, e as respostas deles aos críticos do Signature in the Cell foram reunidas e foram publicadas agora em um novo livro digital -- Signature of Controversy: Responses to Critics of Signature in the Cell, disponível com acesso gratuito aqui.

    O livro traz ensaios por David Berlinski, David Klinghoffer, Casey Luskin, Stephen C. Meyer, Paul Nelson, Jay Richards e Richard Sternberg.

    O debate está caloroso; a controvérsia é real. Leia o Signature of Controversy e julgue por si mesmo; cada resposta contém links para a crítica original em questão, tornando fácil seguir os contornos dos argumentos. Como o editor do livro, David Klinghoffer, escreve na Introdução:

    Chamar o livro de Meyer de fascinante e importante não é exagero. Nem menos interessante no seu caminho, contudo, foi a resposta crítica, e é com isso que o livro que você lerá agora diz respeito. Pois a verdade é que, apesar de ter sido considerado de forma impressa e online por numerosos amigos e inimigos da teoria do design inteligente, poucos—se alguns—dos críticos lidaram com a substância do argumento de Meyer. Isso é extraordinário e revelador.

    Nas páginas que se seguem, que incluem links para os escrito dos críticos, os defensores do livro de Stephen Meyer analisam a resposta hostil. Os capítulos aqui apareceram previamente, na maior parte no blog Evolution News & Views (ENV) do Discovery Institute, no site BioLogos ou na revista Salvo. O livro está organizado nas seguintes linhas. Na Parte I, Meyer e seus defensores lidam com a horda dos ‘detratores’ do livro Signature que, não somente não leram o livro, mas na maioria dos casos nem se deram ao trabalho de se informarem sobre seu conteúdo. Nestes se inclui um biólogo tão eminente como Francisco Ayala da Universidade da Califórnia, Irvine—de quem falaremos mais em um momento. Na Parte II, Meyer e outros amigos do DI respondem aos críticos que realmente gastaram tempo lendo o livro Signature in the Cell antes de atacá-lo. Isto se revelou ser uma raridade relativa, por razões que valem a pena ponderar. Enquanto que as Partes I e II lidam com os críticos mais sérios do Signature, ou daqueles reputados por sua seriedade, a Parte III se concentra na multidão de pigmeus que habita os blogs darwinianos furiosos e frequentemente obscenos.

    Faça o download gratuito do livro aqui.

    Postado por Anika Smith às 11:28 AM | Permalink

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