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Mudanças de paradigma: a natureza da mudança e o lugar da esperança

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Mudanças de paradigma: a natureza da mudança e o lugar da esperança

Mudanças de paradigma: a natureza da mudança e o lugar da esperança  Pslogo

Bem-vindo ao projeto

Este é um novo projecto inter-disciplinar e multi-disciplinar sobre a natureza da mudança. Os trabalhos são convidados de teóricos e profissionais sobre como a mudança significativa ocorre ou ocorreu em sua disciplina, como essa mudança afeta ou que tenha afetado a teoria ea prática, e que parte, se for o caso, a esperança desempenha ou tenha desempenhado neste processo de mudança.

Pensadores e profissionais de toda uma vasta gama de disciplinas tornaram-se conscientes do conceito de Kuhn de "mudanças de paradigma", que explica como a ciência opera por longos períodos sem qualquer mudança fundamental, dentro de um "paradigma". Para Kuhn, a mudança ocorre quando as anomalias cada vez mais se acumulam, e, eventualmente, uma nova teoria é necessário que podem incorporar essas anomalias. Com o impulso de uma revolução, o novo paradigma expulsa o antigo, e estabelece-se não por meio da superioridade, o objetivo racional, mas através de um salto de fé por parte da comunidade científica. Kuhn não é, evidentemente, a única maneira de explicar a mudança. Para Popper, a mudança não ocorre através do estabelecimento de "verdades", mas por erros dissipando. Outros prevêem a ciência como conservador, ao invés de críticas, e faça as alterações evolutivas e não revolucionária.

Temas fundamentais para o desenvolvimento

A maioria das disciplinas, historicamente, tiveram de lidar com mudanças fundamentais nas idéias ou teorias centrais para que a disciplina. Os praticantes têm que lidar com as conseqüências dessas mudanças, e alterar a sua prática à luz da "nova" ou "re-conhecimento configurado. As conseqüências de tais mudanças profundas no pensamento e na prática afeta a todos nós, porque nossos hábitos sociais, políticos e econômicos sejam alterados como resultado. Em um exemplo diário, os pais que têm uma criança 20 anos, por exemplo, após a sua primeira, vai descobrir que as instruções são dadas pelos "especialistas", baseado no "conhecimento" difere muito da que foi dada a eles 20 anos antes.

A mudança é um conceito dinâmico e produz respostas dinâmicas. Alguns resistem à mudança, e se apegam às velhas maneiras. Alguns abraçá-lo de forma acrítica. Alguns tentam, individual ou coletivamente, para avaliar o conhecimento "novo" - como, por exemplo, o estado atual do fluxo de pensamento sobre a mudança climática.

O projeto vai envolver as pessoas que trabalham na história das idéias, a filosofia da ciência, direito, ciências naturais e humanas e todas as disciplinas que tenham sofrido alterações. Saudamos também os profissionais que têm monitorado, refletiu sobre a mudança ou uma avaliação crítica e seus efeitos nos contextos social, econômico e político.

Welcome to the project

This is a new inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary project about the nature of Change. Papers are invited from theorists and practitioners on how significant change occurs or has occurred in their discipline, how that change affects or has affected theory and practice, and what part, if any, hope plays or has played in that process of change.

Thinkers and practitioners across a wide range of disciplines have become aware of Kuhn’s concept of “paradigm shifts”, which explains how science operates for long periods without any fundamental change, within a “paradigm”. For Kuhn, change occurs when anomalies increasingly build up, and eventually a new theory is required that can incorporate those anomalies. With the momentum of a revolution, the new paradigm ousts the old, and establishes itself not through objective, rational superiority but through a leap of faith by the scientific community. Kuhn’s is not, of course, the only way of explaining change. For Popper, change occurs not by establishing “truths” but by dispelling errors. Others envisage science as conservative, rather than critical, and change as evolutionary rather than revolutionary.

Core themes for development

Most disciplines have historically had to cope with fundamental changes in the ideas or theories central to that discipline. Practitioners have to cope with the consequences of these changes, and amend their practice in the light of ‘new’ or ‘re-configured knowledge. The consequences of such profound changes in thought and practice affect all of us, because our social, political and economic habits are altered as a result. In an everyday example, parents who have a child twenty years, say, after their first, will find that the instruction they are given by the “experts”, based on “knowledge” differs widely from that given to them twenty years previously.

Change is a dynamic concept and produces dynamic responses. Some resist change, and cling to the old ways. Some embrace it uncritically. Some attempt, individually or collectively, to evaluate the ‘new’ knowledge – as in, for example, the current state of flux in thought about climate change.

The project will involve people working in the history of ideas, philosophy of science, law, natural and human sciences and all disciplines which have undergone change. We also welcome practitioners who have monitored, reflected on or critically evaluated change and its effects in social, economic and political contexts.

Source/Fonte: Inter.Disciplinary Net


No meu perfil consta desde o início, que uma iminente e eminente mudança paradigmática em biologia evolutiva iria ocorrer. A Nomenklatura científica tupiniquim simplesmente me ignorou. A Galera dos meninos e meninas de Darwin riu de mim feito taquara rachada. A Grande Mídia não deu espaço como, objetivamente, deveria dar. Tornei-me persona non grata na Academia por levantar essas questões por razões puramente científicas e seculares.

Depois vieram os 16 de Altenberg (Austria) em julho de 2008 preconizando a necessidade da elaboração de uma nova teoria da evolução. Em primeira mão este blogger deu até o nome: SÍNTESE EVOLUTIVA AMPLIADA, que não pode mais ser uma teoria evolucionária selecionista.

E o que vimos: silêncio pétreo da Nomenklatura, a Galera dos meninos e meninas de Darwin enfiou o rabo entre as pernas num muxoxo que dá dó de quem ficou sem pai nem mãe, e a Grande Mídia, como soe a toda amante, ficou em silencio em relação aos defeitos do amado.

Fui, nem sei por que, pensando que a minha formação acadêmica foi melhor feita nos livros de Popper, Kuhn, e Feyerabend: uma iminente e eminente mudança paradigmática!

Mudanças de paradigma: chamada de trabalhos

Terça-feira, Outubro 12, 2010

Mudanças de paradigma: a natureza da mudança e o lugar da esperança  Pslogo

Sunday 22nd May – Tuesday 24th May 2010
Warsaw, Poland

Call for Papers

This is a new inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary project about the nature of Change. Papers are invited from theorists and practitioners on how significant change occurs or has occurred in their discipline, how that change affects or has affected theory and practice, and what part, if any, hope plays or has played in that process of change.

Thinkers and practitioners across a wide range of disciplines have become aware of Kuhn’s concept of “paradigm shifts”, which explains how science operates for long periods without any fundamental change, within a “paradigm”. For Kuhn, change occurs when anomalies increasingly build up, and eventually a new theory is required that can incorporate those anomalies. With the momentum of a revolution, the new paradigm ousts the old, and establishes itself not through objective, rational superiority but through a leap of faith by the scientific community. Kuhn’s is not, of course, the only way of explaining change. For Popper, change occurs not by establishing “truths” but by dispelling errors. Others envisage science as conservative, rather than critical, and change as evolutionary rather than revolutionary.

Most disciplines have historically had to cope with fundamental changes in the ideas or theories central to that discipline. Practitioners have to cope with the consequences of these changes, and amend their practice in the light of ‘new’ or ‘re-configured knowledge. The consequences of such profound changes in thought and practice affect all of us, because our social, political and economic habits are altered as a result. In an everyday example, parents who have a child twenty years, say, after their first, will find that the instruction they are given by the “experts”, based on “knowledge” differs widely from that given to them twenty years previously.

Change is a dynamic concept and produces dynamic responses. Some resist change, and cling to the old ways. Some embrace it uncritically. Some attempt, individually or collectively, to evaluate the ‘new’ knowledge – as in, for example, the current state of flux in thought about climate change.

Papers are invited from those working in the history of ideas, philosophy of science, law, natural and human sciences and all disciplines which have undergone change. Papers are welcomed from practitioners who have monitored, reflected on or critically evaluated change and its effects in social, economic and political contexts.

300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 26th November 2010. If an abstract is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper should be submitted by Friday 1st April 2011. Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to both Organising Chairs; abstracts may be in Word, WordPerfect, or RTF formats with the following information and in this order:

a) author(s), b) affiliation, c) email address, d) title of abstract, e) body of abstract

E-mails should be entitled: Paradigm Shift Abstract Submission.

Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using footnotes and any special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or underline). We acknowledge receipt and answer to all paper proposals submitted. If you do not receive a reply from us in a week you should assume we did not receive your proposal; it might be lost in cyberspace! We suggest, then, to look for an alternative electronic route or resend.

Organising Chairs
Diana Medlicott
Independent Scholar
London, United Kingdom

Rob Fisher
Network Founder and Leader
Freeland, Oxfordshire,
United Kingdom

The conference is part of the Critical Issues programme of research projects. It aims to bring together people from different areas and interests to share ideas and explore various discussions which are innovative and exciting. All papers accepted for and presented at the conference will be eligible for publication in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers may be developed for publication in a themed hard copy volume(s).

Style Sheets

In preparing your papers, please pay strict attention to the following style sheets

Download Full Style Sheet Version v7.3c (pdf)

Download Chicago Style Reference Sheet v1.2c

Download Template Document (Word)

Mensagens : 5997
Idade : 54
Inscrição : 08/05/2010

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